Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Zuni Indian Reservation

Breakfast was at 6:30, believe it or not. We then traveled to the Zuni Indian Reservation to serve in the Zuni Mission School. The distance was 42 miles, but the travel time was over 1 hour and 20 minutes. Once there, we led chapel. This chapel was like Tuesday's except the audience was kindergarten through 8th.

Students served in classrooms and the library, helping students one on one with a class project. It was  beautiful to see our students sitting all over the room paired up with Zuni students.

After lunch we learned more about Zuni culture in an old Catholic mission church. Once back at the school, Pastor Mike, who has ministered in Zuni for over 25 years (and whose wife is the sister to former TC teacher Mr. Engbers), debriefed our time in Zuni. His stories and insights touched us all.

At dinner, students were told to sit in alphabetical order according to last name. They were not thrilled with the idea. But it was so worth it. Within minutes active conversation (and some debates) were happening that would not have occurred without the special seating arrangement.

After dinner we went to Mrs. Tornow's sister's house for dessert and games. It was a great fellowship time with tasty treats and lots of games, including ping-pong, air hockey & pool.

Our devotional times have been a highlight. We sing, read God's Word, share as a whole group and in small groups. We pray. Tonight we formed a big circle (really an oval) and each person offered a prayer–a holy moment!
Chapel time
Our chaperones at work!
Former Catholic Mission
Game Night

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