Thursday, January 7, 2016

Being Flexible is Important

Rehoboth received about a 1/2 inch of snow. School was canceled. But the real reason for the cancellation was that the roads were icy and the area does not have salt trucks. Additionally, the school buses can drive up to 40 miles away to pick up students in rural areas. So we were flexible.

Instead of three groups, we had two. Thirteen students stayed at Rehoboth to do various projects: clean our dorm, clean out storage rooms and load the back of the pickup with trash for recycling and the dumpster. The rest of our group went into town to feed the homeless through the church of the Nazarene. After passing out food in the city to homeless people, they joined another church who was sponsoring an outdoor hot lunch for the homeless. Students served food, talked with those who came and even a few prayed with people. They returned with enthusiastic testimonies of God at work.

At 2:00pm we had a geology presentation by Mike DeJong. At 3:00 we went to visit Georga, who is a Navajo rug weaver. She demonstrated how to make wool into yarn and then how she makes tapestries.

After dinner we played a group game in the gym that was a version of kickball–great fun! Then we returned to our "living room" in the dorm for devotions. Again, a wonderful time of sharing, Scripture and prayer.

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