Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Sunny Sunday

We went to Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church at 10:30. We were an obvious presence by taking up three rows. The worship leader introduced us and asked us to stand. Quite appropriately for us and our trip, the sermon was on following Jesus by being humble servants. We serve Jesus by serving others.

After lunch we relaxed for a little bit. Then a bunch of us went out to the artificial turf soccer/track field. It was a beautiful, warm day with blue skies. Students played soccer, threw the frisbee, ran on the track (Hope, Simon, Alex ran 5 miles!), and we had a volleyball circle (I joined this!).

At 3:30 we hiked to “First Canyon”. It was ravine close to campus. We went to a massive rock feature. I can’t explain it. You just need to look at the video and photos below.

Dinner was compliments of Mr. Bode, or shall I say Chef Bode. He made made dough for pizza crusts from scratch. Then for dinner he made pizzas. And this was not just cheese & pepperoni pizzas. He also made veggie, meat lovers, chicken barbecue and Hawaiian pizzas. For dessert we sang Happy Birthday to Sophie and had cup cakes & ice cream.

Bob Ippel, Rehoboth’s executive director, came to share with us stories of Rehoboth and the heart of Rehoboth. For group devotions we read Colossians 3:12-17. I have not mentioned yet that our guitar player, Ben, leads us in singing each night. Tonight we sang 10,000 Reasons and Holy Spirit, You are Welcome Here. 

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