Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Good-Bye Rehoboth

What a blessed time we had on this trip! We thank God for smooth travels, the people we met & served, and the beautiful creation we explored. We bonded as a group and grew in faith. It was an unforgettable time. Thank you to everyone who supported us in prayer and encouragement.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Our Last Day

Catherine Miller Elementary School: Simon attended Navajo class with the students. He and Mrs. Slovey helped in an academic support class. It was both challenging and rewarding. In kindergarten, Kate, Christina, Danica and Matilda helped students during the whole school day. Alex and Sophie assisted with gym classes all day. Mrs. Mirra helped in the office.

Rehoboth Christian School: Campbell, Annie and Mary helped in preschool. The little kids absolutely loved them. Sarah & Hope organized a massive amount of text books and took care of many to-do list items for the middle school science teacher. Ben worked in the 7th & 8th grade math class. Then he and Mr. Wiener worked the cafeteria line and helped serve the school lunch. In the afternoon we did some more organization and dusted the lights (more complicated than it seems.)

Rehoboth maintenance group: Together they moved bleachers from the stage to the floor. It took 14 people to move a bleacher. Mr. Bode, Jack Chris, Kendrick and Beau worked in cold temperatures building a fence. They worked in the mud and used a two-person auger that kept stalling. Joshua P. & Andrew worked in the choir room doing lots of organizing of items and sheet music. Ben, Josh L. and Josh B. did a variety of projects that included mopping large areas and cleaning windows. 

After dinner we had a large group share time about our service. Then we had devotions based on Psalm 25:1-11. Students also reflected on the trip by answering four questions. At 7:30 we went to the Navajo Code Talker Center on Rehoboth’s campus. We learned about the role the Navajo language played in the Pacific theater in WWII. We came back to our “living room” for group devotions, part 2. After singing we stood in a circle. With a ball of yarn being passed around the circle, each person shared about what this week meant to him or her. It was such a blessed time! We have had such a good trip in so many ways. But we are also looking forward to coming home.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Zuni Indian Reservation

We hit the road today at 8:45am. We drove south for just under an hour to the Zuni Pueblo. It is in a remote area of New Mexico. The school and church there are over 100 years old, however, they are blessed with new facilities. Our students played at recess with the Zuni kids, assisted with art class, read to 1st & 2nd graders, and helped 6th-8th graders with their literature assignment. After lunch we took a walking tour of the village which included some roof top walking. We were not supposed to take photos. Only one photo was taken in the school.

On our way back to Rehoboth we stopped at the Perry Noll Trading Center. Dinner tonight was roast and potatoes. At 7:00 we played a guessing name game. Each student made up a Indian clan name that related to them. Then we had to guess who went with what name. There were lots of laughs! Soon we’re going to the gym for some games. Then we’ll come back for devotions.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Serving and Hiking

Mr. Bode and five students left at 6:30 to run (and two hiked) to a rocky outcrop to view the sunrise.

We had a day of service. Three students were in the Rehoboth preschool and three were in the middle school. Four painted the stage and stage pieces for the high school. Finally on the campus, a few students help contstruct a fence by clearing the land and installing fence posts. Nine students went into Gallup to make sandwiches for lunches and distributed them to the homeless. They were able to have good conversations and prayer times. At one point there was a prayer circle that involved four homeless and four or five TC students.

Before dinner we hiked up Pyramid Mountain through a picturesque southwest landscape. The hike was about 2 hours long and covered 3.5 miles. We ascended over 1000 feet!
After dinner, Miss Begay came to speak with us. She is an English teacher at Rehoboth Christian High School. She is also a Navajo and explained to us parts of Navajo culture. Our group devotions focused on Colossians 2:6-8.

Overall, everyone is serving with joy, getting along well and having a great time.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Sunny Sunday

We went to Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church at 10:30. We were an obvious presence by taking up three rows. The worship leader introduced us and asked us to stand. Quite appropriately for us and our trip, the sermon was on following Jesus by being humble servants. We serve Jesus by serving others.

After lunch we relaxed for a little bit. Then a bunch of us went out to the artificial turf soccer/track field. It was a beautiful, warm day with blue skies. Students played soccer, threw the frisbee, ran on the track (Hope, Simon, Alex ran 5 miles!), and we had a volleyball circle (I joined this!).

At 3:30 we hiked to “First Canyon”. It was ravine close to campus. We went to a massive rock feature. I can’t explain it. You just need to look at the video and photos below.

Dinner was compliments of Mr. Bode, or shall I say Chef Bode. He made made dough for pizza crusts from scratch. Then for dinner he made pizzas. And this was not just cheese & pepperoni pizzas. He also made veggie, meat lovers, chicken barbecue and Hawaiian pizzas. For dessert we sang Happy Birthday to Sophie and had cup cakes & ice cream.

Bob Ippel, Rehoboth’s executive director, came to share with us stories of Rehoboth and the heart of Rehoboth. For group devotions we read Colossians 3:12-17. I have not mentioned yet that our guitar player, Ben, leads us in singing each night. Tonight we sang 10,000 Reasons and Holy Spirit, You are Welcome Here. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Saturday Adventures

We started our Saturday adventure at 9:30. Our first stop was a Native American flea market with over 100 booths selling a wide variety of items including food (do you like lamb? Or popcorn that tastes like cereal?), blankets, art, tools, knives, bunnies and much more.

The next stop was Window Rock in Navajo Nation in Arizona. This is also the headquarters for the Navajo government. We had lunch here, and many ate on a big rock nearby (hard to explain).

We then drove an hour to Canyon De Shelley, a spectacular canyon. Many photos were taken but cannot due justice to the beauty. We hiked the White House trail. This 2.5-3 mile trail winds down the side of canyon wall. After a short walk on the floor of the canyon we came to ancient Indian dwellings (1000 years old) built into the side of the cliff. The hike back out of the canyon really tested our lungs.

We drove the 1 1/2 hour drive back to Gallup to eat dinner at Earl’s, a local favorite. Due to our big day we didn’t eat until 7:00pm. Afterwards we had some “chill” time back at our dorm. Our group devotions are at 9:00pm.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Serving in 60º Weather!

Last night our group devotions, based on 1 John 4, were focused on God’s love and our response by loving one another.

Today we woke with an outside temperature of 15º. However, today’s high ended up being 60º! After breakfast at 8:00, we read Psalm 136 and prayed for the day. Today is a day of service.

Rehoboth Group: they cleaned very large and tall windows at both of the gym entrances; painted a large number of “stage pieces”, painted “no parking” barriers; and some weeding.

Church of the Nazarene, Compassion Ministries, Pastor Chris: this group made 76 lunches (peanut butter sandwiches, with chips, drink, granola bar, and other goodies) and then drove around town distributing the food to homeless people. We talked with some and even prayed with some. It was a wonderful day of serving that moved us out of our comfort zones!

At 3:00 we went on a hike in western wilderness that is right behind Rehoboth. We ended up walking 4.4 miles.

For dinner we had Navajo Tacos. Navajo bread is fried and slightly sweetened. It’s then topped with beans, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese and salsa. Really good!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

We’re Here!

Today was a great day of travel. Our plane flight was smooth and arrived to Albuquerque early. We picked up our three vans and then traveled across the Wild West landscape for two hours to Rehoboth. After moving into our dorm, Deanna, the campus hostess, took us on a walking tour of Reboboth. The photos below are taken in the rental building in Albuquerque and at Rehoboth during our tour. Tonight we will take some time bonding together. We’ll play some games and also have group devotions & sharing. Everyone seems excited to be here and is getting along wonderfully!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Off to Rehoboth on Thursday

On Thursday, twenty-three students and four chaperones leave for Rehoboth Christian School. After months of planning and anticipation, the trip is almost here. Please be praying for us!