Saturday, March 30, 2013

We're Finally Home!

The first group to catch a flight this morning left the hotel in Atlanta at 5:30am. The last of the four groups to come home arrived at O'Hare around 1:00pm. The TCHS 2013 Europe trip is done, but the memories and stories and relationships live on.

This picture is a little something I did on the plane.

Location:O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL

Friday, March 29, 2013

Stuck in Atlanta

We are safe in Atlanta. We are all at a really nice hotel, the Indigo. Delta gave us the hotel rooms and $18 for food. We are now on four different flights for Saturday arriving in Chicago between 9:45 and 12:30.

Location:Atlanta, Georgia

Stuck in Munich

Our plane has been delayed numerous times this morning. Right now we are not sure when we will depart. It looks like we will not make our connecting flight in Atlanta. As soon as we are in the U.S., we will be able to let you know about the plan.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Last Day in Europe

We visited Dachau Concentration Camp. It was the first and served as a model for the other camps. Dachau opened 80 years ago (almost to the day), very soon after Hitler came to power. It was built for political prisoners--anyone against the Nazi's. At least 32,000 people (those documented) died there during Hitler's time. Dachau has been turned into a museum. We watched a 30 minute movie and then spent time in the museum building and walking around the grounds. It was a sobering, sad and deep visit.

After lunch we drove into Munich. We walked by the famous Hofbrauhaus, built 400 years ago for gathering, socializing and drinking beer (we did not partake of the latter).

At 14:00 we had a bus tour of Munich and then a walking tour of the Marienplatz, the city center that combined a large square, stores, and very old buildings. It certainly has its own character. The photo below is of city hall, built just over 100 years ago but was designed to look like 100's of years old.

We had free time, last time for souvenirs! Our dinner was in downtown Munich, in a restaurant on the 7th floor of a department store with amazing views of the city.

We returned to the hotel to pack and prepare for our 5:00am wake up call.

We had a wonderful trip and can't wait to see you. Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

Location:Munich, Germany

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Four Countries in One Day

We left our quaint Swiss hotel at 7:30. Pretty quickly most got dozy and fell asleep. But then, about 1 1/2 hours into the trip, the clouds broke and the sun came out at the perfect time. We were treated to a spectacular view of the Alps. Of course the picture does not do justice to the awe-inspiring scene.

We made a stop in country number 2: Lichtenstein. It is 62 square miles and has a population of less than 40,000. We walked around for an hour or so. It was on the expensive side. I saw some nail clippers for $30.

After we left, we drove through a corner of country number 3: Austria.

To get to our next place, for a while we drove on a two lane road up a mountain and through high country--winding roads, little villages, beautiful forest and vistas.

A little after 13:00 we arrived at our major stop of the day: Neuschwanstein Castle in southwest Bavaria, Germany (country number 4). It was built in the 19th century. As soon as the builder/owner, Ludwig II, died in 1886, it was immediately opened to the public. The castle was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle. We had to walk from the village up to the castle. During our tour we saw extravagantly decorated rooms. For instance, in the king's bedroom the woodwork involved 14 wood carvers who worked for over 4 years.

At 17:30 we headed to Munich. Since we were ahead of schedule, we did a nighttime drive through the city. Our dinner was at 20:00. We ate at Franziskane in der Au and had pork goulash. Finally we headed for the hotel, AZIMUT in Erding (outside of Munich).

Location:Munich, Germany

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mt. Pilatus

Today there are two blog entries, so make sure you read the other one below!

In the morning we traveled to the Swiss village, Kriens, to begin our mountain adventure. We started by riding up in small gondolas that held four people each. Then we transferred to a large gondola, that held over 30, to the top of Mt. Pilatus. The trip took about 30 minutes. At the top, the visitors center was spacious with lots of windows. Unfortunately the view was fog. Because of the clouds, the spectacular view was hidden. We weathered 166 snowy, blustery, frigid, steep (and safe) steps to the summit. Back at the visitors center, an Alp horn player gave great Swiss entertainment and a photo op. He yodeled and played "Amazing Grace". At the end of this trip, despite the weather, everyone agreed it was an exciting experience.


Location:Kreins, Switzerland

Exploring Lucerne

Lucerne walking tour:
We visited the Lion Monument, also known as the Lion of Lucerne. It was carved in early 1800's to commemorate Swiss mercenaries who were massacred while protecting the French royal family during the French Revolution. Mark Twain said it was the most mournful and moving piece of stone in the world. Make sure you ask to see a close up photo of the lion.

Next, we went to the Chapel Bridge that crosses the Reuss River. It is the oldest covered bridge in Europe and one of the most visited sites in Switzerland. The Bridge was originally built in 1333 and contains paintings from the 17th century. It is 560 feet in length.

We made a quick stop at St. Peter's Cathedral. I sang a chant I learned in college. Check out the video below.

Free time in Lucerne:
Lunch is expensive. A simple sandwich and small salad runs about $10. We had a couple of hours to shop. The Swiss are known for watches and chocolate. Don't worry, when students returned to the bus after shopping, I didn't see any Rolexes, but I did see lots of chocolate.

Location:Lucerne, Switzerland

Monday, March 25, 2013

On the Road

We boarded a big, nice bus and left about 8:45. Leaving Paris felt like home (lots of traffic). Once out of the city, the drive reminded me of Michigan--forest interspersed with farms and slightly rolling hills. Next we traveled through Bourgogne, known for its wine and mustard. Here the hills are much bigger and more undulating. We spent 1.5 hours in Beaune for lunch, shopping and exploring. This place was a quaint, cobble stoned streets, sidewalk cafes, French village.

We arrived at the Swiss village of Huttwil at Hotel Kleiner Printz at 7:30. Everyone was excited when we saw our rooms...such Swiss character! Some had suites, some had stone walls and wood ceilings and some even had lofts in their rooms! After a delicious dinner of soup, bread, noodles, chicken and chocolate pudding, a group took a stroll in the village with snow softly falling. We have hardly been here and already loving Switzerland. The photo below shows where we had dinner and also our EF tour guide, Raquel. She organizes everything for us on the trip.

Notice the guys in the windows on the 2nd floor.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Notre Dame & the Lourve

Our last day in Paris began with visiting one of the most famous church buildings in the world: Notre Dame. Since it was Palm Sunday, there was no practical way for us to attend the service, however we experienced the next best thing. We slowly walked around the cathedral on the inside while the service was going on. So we ended up spending about 30-45 minutes in the outer edges of the sanctuary, soaking in the worshipful atmosphere.

As I worshipped, this prayer came to my mind: Sovereign Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, make my heart a living cathedral. You gave your all to save me. You sent you Son to die for me. You spared no expense. May there be no sacrifice too big as I live for you. May my devotion for you be larger than anything else in my life. Sovereign Lord, make my heart a living cathedral. Forgive me for desiring things that reduce my worship of you. Please expand my worship to fill my soul, soar to heaven and sing into this world. Sovereign Lord, make my heart a living cathedral for you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

After lunch, we went to the world's most visited art museum: the Louvre. What began as a fortress and then a palace for kings that kept adding on to it, the Louvre is now an over 650,000 square feet museum that holds priceless works of art. We spent several hours here. Everyone made sure they went to see the Mona Lisa.

Enjoy our "hello" to you below!

Location:Paris, France

A City, a Palace, a Museum, a Monument

The day started with a full breakfast buffet: breads, meat & cheese, fresh fruit, crepes, and more. At 9:00am we were off on a city bus tour. Our tour guide, Alan, winsomely presented the historic and lively city of Paris. Some of the highlights included the Arc de Triumphe, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, the Opera House, high-rent districts, the Louvre (former palace), the River Seine, the Île de la Cité (an island in the river), and Notre Dame, 850 years old this year. We stopped for snacks & bathroom next to the massive church building where Napoleon is buried.

A trivial, but important thing we are learning: plan on the possibility of paying and/or experiencing a long line at the public toilets. Often there are only 3 stalls, that's all.

We then drove to Versailles to tour the palace. Our guided tour took us past incredible paintings on high ceilings and the Hall of Mirrors, where the treaty to end WWI was signed. We heard stories of French kings and explored the gardens. The palace was where King Louis the XVI and Marie Antoinette lived before they met their end during the French Revolution.

Before dinner Miss Sommars led a group to the Museum d'Orsay, featuring impressionist painters like Monet. Others went exploring/shopping by the hotel. For dinner we had a cheese pastry, pork, tasty scalped potatoes, and a "wow" chocolate eclair.

After dinner we went to the Eiffel Tower (over 1000 feet tall) to ride to the top. After the long line we rode the lift to the second level and were impressed. Then we boarded another lift to the summit and were thrilled! We saw the lights of the city, felt the wind, experienced Paris.

Location:Paris, France

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Walking, Walking, Walking

Our first full day in Paris.

After we arrived at the airport (photo above), we dropped off our luggage at the hotel (picture below).

Then it was off for our walking tour which ultimately ended when we returned to the hotel around 11:00pm. Huge day!

What did we do? We hiked to the top of Montmartre, a 400 foot high hill in Paris. Also it is the highest point in Paris with a beautiful view. What is at the top? A cathedral, of course: Basilique du Sacré Cœur (Basilica of the Sacred Heart). We toured the church building, had lunch and looked around. Be sure to ask us later about the "pick pockets". Don't worry, we are all safe with all our money.

We went to a Perfume Museum and then walked along the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, one of the most famous streets in the world with some of the highest costing real estate in the world. Think Michigan Avenue, but wider, more trees and French flair. We had dinner at a restaurant that served excellent salad and a French meal that was similar to flatbread pizza but with a cream base. They gave us plenty of food.

We then walked to the Eiffel Tower. It was a beautiful night, and the Eiffel Tower in lights created awe and lots of photos. We then took a river cruise down the River Seine and saw Paris by boat.

Besides walking, we were on the Metro, subway, a lot. We have great students. Navigating the Metro with 46 people can be daunting, but we had a good plan and everything went smoothly. Thank you for your prayers. We are having a great time here and our group is getting along wonderfully!

Location:Paris, France

Friday, March 22, 2013

We're Here!

Although it is currently the middle of the night in Chicago, we have arrived and are ready to go. The flight was long and sleep was sparse, but we are now fueled with the anticipation of our first day in Paris. Everybody is so happy!

Location:Paris, France

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Getting Ready

We received money wisdom from Monica from the local American Express office. Get money exchanged before we leave, Euros & Francs. ATM/debit cards are better than credit cards.

On the departure day: drop off luggage between 7:30-8:15 at the bus garage. Bring carry-ons to Mr. Evenhouse's office by the auditorium. Meet at 12:20 at the bus garage and then leave TC by 1:00.

We also talked about traveling smart and keeping money safe.

Location:Timothy Christian High School, Elmhurst, IL